Machine Learning

Topic Replies Activity
Logistic Regression wrong output 7 February 21, 2019
How to Practice? 3 February 21, 2019
Regarding the accuracy 2 February 19, 2019
Face Recognition using KNN 4 February 18, 2019
A basic fundamental concept 2 February 18, 2019
Count of iteration 2 February 10, 2019
Not able open the link 3 February 10, 2019
Air quality prediction 3 February 10, 2019
Submission of assignments 2 February 10, 2019
Not able to import dataset in colab 2 February 2, 2019
Face_section code 2 February 1, 2019
Python- Tuple Data Structure 2 January 31, 2019
Missing Video - NN XOR 3 January 31, 2019
Multivariate regression doubt 3 January 28, 2019
Dataset is NOT available for Air Quality Prediction 3 January 28, 2019
Logistic regression likelihood estimation(video) 6 January 25, 2019
No data set available 2 January 22, 2019
Multivariate Normal Distribution 2 January 20, 2019
About the course 2 January 7, 2019
Pythagoras challange problem 2 January 5, 2019
Plt.hist working 2 January 4, 2019
File Not Found Error 2 January 4, 2019
I think input() function is not working 2 January 4, 2019
Error in importing cv2 2 January 4, 2019
Where is y.the equation of the plane dividing does not have y in it 2 January 4, 2019
Kmeans project image segmentation 2 January 4, 2019
No Video on Training nltk data in ML 2 January 4, 2019
Is there any requirement of graphic card in this course? If yes, what is the minimum requirement? 2 January 4, 2019
Parse Error in dataset 2 January 2, 2019
Getting EOF error in while taking input in Python 2 January 2, 2019