Java DS

Topic Replies Activity
Count subsequence 6 January 31, 2020
MANMOHAN LOVES PATTERNS- II , my code is giving correct output but it is not submitting 9 January 31, 2020
Stack and oops .topic-stack using queue push efficient 3 January 31, 2020
Merge two sorted linked list 2 January 31, 2020
Delete Nodes From BST 3 January 31, 2020
My sample test case is passed but not the rest 2 January 31, 2020
Syntax problem in java 3 January 30, 2020
Hostel visit by dean 2 January 30, 2020
Doubt in data type practical part 8 6 January 30, 2020
REVISING QUADRATIC EQUATIONS, I cannot understand why all test cases are not passed 10 January 30, 2020
Doubt sort game 3 January 30, 2020
Please whats wrong in my code, please help 1 January 29, 2020
Competition version problem 5 January 29, 2020
Doubt related trie interview 3 January 29, 2020
Queue using stack 2 January 28, 2020
TestCase2 didn't pass 3 January 28, 2020
Doubt in fibonacci pattern 4, I cannot understand why run error is coming in one test case 4 January 28, 2020
My code is runnning well in eclipse but here it is showing error 6 January 28, 2020
Vertical order print Binary tree 3 January 28, 2020
Linked list as a queue 3 January 27, 2020
Doubt related redundant parentheses 3 January 27, 2020
CrxPattern practice questions 3 January 27, 2020
Doubt related preorder and inorder 3 January 27, 2020
Rat in a Maze problem 3 January 27, 2020
Doubt related prime visit 5 January 27, 2020
Coding Blocks IDE Tricky Permutations 1 January 27, 2020
Level order input 3 January 27, 2020
Pattern Practice Question 5 January 27, 2020
Pattern Practice question 3 January 27, 2020
Doubt in pattern numbers and stars 1, I cannot understand why all test cases are not passed 2 January 27, 2020