Java DS

Topic Replies Activity
Please tell my mistake in logic of programme 4 April 17, 2019
Section 1 (basics) star pattern 20 4 April 16, 2019
Section:1 (basics) star pattern question 8 5 April 16, 2019
Working fine in eclipse .whats wrong 2 April 16, 2019
Reverse a stack using recursion 2 April 16, 2019
I have done Pattern 17 using WHILE loop and their is error coming DUPLICATE VARIABLE 4 April 15, 2019
Section 1 (basics) pattern 20, what should be the condition for inner spaces in pattern 2 April 15, 2019
Int pattern 21, i did not understand the last row concept and also coding 3 April 15, 2019
When did the stars become Zero 3 April 15, 2019
Section 1 basics number pattern 26, problem with the VAL variable 2 April 15, 2019
Section 1 (basics) number pattern 29 2 April 15, 2019
Sort Game in arrays challenges 4 April 13, 2019
Section: 1 (basics) Pattern 19 3 April 14, 2019
My code is counting all digits what to change 3 April 13, 2019
PATTERN 17 using while loop error occurs DUPLICATE VARIABLE 2 April 13, 2019
Kth root problem testcases failing 1 April 13, 2019
Sort game problem in array challenges 2 April 13, 2019
How to print second row and even odd condition? 2 April 13, 2019
Prime code error 13 April 12, 2019
What is wrong in my code for fibonnaci series? 6 April 12, 2019
Check number prime or not without using boolean flag 3 April 11, 2019
Only ladders question 1 April 11, 2019
Bug in the website 2 April 10, 2019
Why i can't use only one PRINTLN("*") 4 April 10, 2019
Check my code and tell me about any problem in it..i have used 1 less variable...cst variable not used 3 April 10, 2019
I did not understand the use of cst and nst 3 April 10, 2019
Why 2^7-1=128 not 127? 3 April 10, 2019
Exception in thread error 3 April 10, 2019
Von neuman loves bianry 6 April 10, 2019
Aggressive Cows problem 3 April 10, 2019