Competitive Programming   Doubts

Topic Replies Activity
Trie interview getting 3 WA 1 July 24, 2019
Chinese Remainder Theorem, Only 4 test cases are passing 1 July 23, 2019
Minimum time traversal (getting WA) 1 July 22, 2019
Matrix queries (passed one case but TLE in other two) 1 July 22, 2019
Segmentation fault while applying Kruskal's algorithm 1 July 20, 2019
BRIDGES in Dynamic programming 1 July 16, 2019
Is queue, priority queue, circular queue and deque the same? 1 July 14, 2019
Logic behind cell mitosis DP 1 July 11, 2019
Problem hostel visit 1 July 3, 2019
K query(SPOJ problem) 1 July 1, 2019
Getting wrong answer on vivek and party 1 July 1, 2019
Deepak and prime second 10 June 30, 2019
Java FastIO Problem 1 June 30, 2019
Matrix exponentiation SEQ 1 June 29, 2019
Playing with divisor 1 June 29, 2019
Funky chess board DFS 1 June 28, 2019
Robot Collect Points1 1 June 28, 2019
Modular exponentiaton 1 June 28, 2019
MAXIMUM Query SUm 1 June 27, 2019
Virat and nCr giving tle 3 June 26, 2019 1 June 24, 2019
WA in problem 'Maximum Circles' 1 June 23, 2019
WA on problem 'Hostel Visit' 1 June 23, 2019
CodeForces Div 2 problem Books (279/B) 4 June 21, 2019
SPOJ DCEPC11B - Boring Factorials, Running Perfectly on System but giving wrong answer on spoj 1 June 21, 2019
How to approach the LIS MODIFIED PROBLEM? 1 June 21, 2019
Doubt related to hackerblocks 1 June 19, 2019
Divisible subarrays tle 6 June 19, 2019
In MIN QUERY-I, my code is giving TLE, even though I have solved it in O(Q*log(n)) time 1 June 19, 2019
Please help me for this question 1 June 19, 2019